
The ‘Manage Envirometers’ section lets you edit the characteristics of Envirometers and Envirometer years, add new ones, add up years and much more. Only administrators of the Envirometer can access the ‘Manage Envirometer’ section. The administrator can change user rights via user management. The following options are available:

Add an Envirometer

You can expand your subscription to multiple Envirometers (such as for different branches).

Manage Envirometer(s)

When your subscription first starts, an Envirometer will be created automatically, with the company name as the title and a pre-selection based on the industry chosen. You can then customize it according to your needs. Below are all of the options available for managing your Envirometer(s).

Start in Manage > Barometers and select an Barometer by clicking on the title in the overview or in the menu on the left. You can now:

Important (1): A deleted Envirometer cannot be retrieved.
Important (2): We will not reduce your subscription if you have deleted an Envirometer because this would mean you could not add a new Envirometer. You can reduce your subscription under manage>subscription.

Manage Envirometer years

A new Envirometer starts with ‘last year’ because this is most likely the year for which you want to enter data. You can then customize it according to your needs. Below are all of the options for managing Envirometer years.

Per Envirometer

Start in Manage > Envirometers and select an Envirometer via the title or in the margin. You can now:

Multiple Envirometers

Three functions are particularly useful for subscriptions with multiple Envirometers. These functions are found at the top left under Manage > Envirometers.

Important: An average or total must be placed in an Envirometer. This is usually done in a separate ‘total Envirometer’. In other words, you need one more Envirometer than the number of branches.