Monthly data
You can enter data on a monthly basis. This is necessary if you want to monitor the results on a semi-annual or quarterly basis. But you do not need to enter all data every month for this. Annual data will be divided automatically when splitting (into semi-annual, quarterly, etc.).
With some metering companies, it is possible to set up a data link to make it possible to have all monthly energy data entered into the Envirometer automatically.
Note: Data links are only available for Dutch companies.
Enter monthly data
When entering data, go to the monthly data section via the table/calendar icon (for the input field).
- Enter data by the month.
- If it is not possible to complete all months, switch status ball to blue.
- The counter next to the input field shows the number of months already completed.
- The monthly chart shows whether the pattern is logical and identifies any variances.
- At the bottom, you can delete all monthly data at the same time via Delete all months.
Tip If you want to enter the half-yearly figures instead of monthly, complete the months of June and December, for instance, and leave the rest empty.