Organisation finetuning

Organisation finetuning allows you to adjust CO2 factors for the entire organization and per barometer.

Organization fine-tuning instruction

Through organization fine-tuning you can adjust the CO2 factors, title and unit for the entire organization (if allowed for an item).

schermafbeelding organisatie finetuning

CO2 factors management screen

In the CO2 factors management screen you can change the CO2 factor on two levels:

How does it work:


CO2-factoren beheren

Extra adaptability for Raw materials and Other chain emissions

There are three themes (chapters) where you can change the title and unit of items in addition to the CO2 factor. These items do not have default CO2 factors. This allows you to expand your CO2 footprint with (scope 3) chain emissions such as the CO2 emissions from raw material production, the construction of the business premises or the energy consumption of products sold. See also the help page about “scope-3 emissions”: There you can read which scope-3 emissions are ingrained in the Envirometer and how you can expand your footprint in phases based on the GHG subdivision of scope 3.

Edit chapter title

You can change the names of these three themes/chapters. They are initially called:


Titel en eenheid wijzigen via organisatiefinetuning

What about CO2-factors if you sum barometers/years with different CO2 factors

If an item has the same CO2 factor in all barometers and years, it is easy to add them. However, if the CO2 factor differs (for example between Dutch and German electricity) or between 2021 and 2022, the question is what will happen. There are two ways of making a sum in the barometer: add separate years or use a sum barometer.