CO2- footprint
The CO2 footprint shows how much each activity has contributed to CO2 emissions, including the CO2 emission factor used. You can choose three types of breakdowns of CO2 footprints. You can also open your CO2 footprint with the click of a button, an increasing requirement.
Looking for more detailed help concerning CO2 footprints? Click on general help CO2-footprints
Three types of breakdown
In the margin, you can choose between the following three CO2 footprint breakdowns. The content of the CO2 footprints is the same in each, only the scopes are divided differently.
- CO2 Performance Ladder:
- Division of items between scope 1 and scope 2 & Business Travel in accordance with the CO2 Performance Ladder.
- Business trips that are not made with a company car (such as air travel and km claimed) fall under ’2&BT scope’ here.
- Other scope 3 items fall under the heading “scope 3 CO2” and are not included in the total.
- The ‘hide’ scope 3 button at the bottom means that this footprint will only show the aspects required for level 3 of the CO2 Performance Ladder.
- GHG Protocol:
- Division of items over scope 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with the Green House Gas Protocol.
- Thematic:
- The most recognisable footprint because this follows the theme breakdown in the Envirometer.
Note 1: Waste is not shown in the CO2 graph. Go to the help per theme for waste for more information.
Note 2: The CO2-footprint in the Envirometer uses CO2-equivalents. One CO2-equivalent equals the effect of the emission of 1 kilogram of CO2. Using CO2-equivalents enables adding and subtracting of the different greenhouse gasses. The conversion is based on the Global Warming Potential (GWP) – that is the extend to which a gass contributes to the greenhouse effect.

Edit the display
- Normalize: As with the graphs and key figures, it is possible to break down the footprint by determining specific company data and, consequently, the CO2 footprint per, for example, printed matter or employee.
- Year parts: To the right of the graph title is a button that can be used to display the time period selected instead of the entire year. The bar graph will then show all time periods within the selected time window. The pie chart will then only show the selected time period. The view selector is set by default to semi-annual, but you can also choose to view by the four-month period, quarterly, monthly or remove this view option entirely. To adjust this, navigate to change barometer in the Envirometers management and use the ”period view” drop down menu.
Tip: For the CO2 Performance Ladder, you can also indicate whether and which CO2 Performance Level logo you want shown in the shared footprint.
Copy and publish
- Copy: The copy button to the left of the CO2 footprint lets you export the CO2 footprint as a table and easily copy it into Excel/spreadsheet or a report.
- Share: The ‘share’ button lets you publish your CO2 footprint on the Envirometer website, thereby making it public. The sharing option includes the following choices:
- English or Dutch
- Type of display (CO2 Performance Ladder, GHG Protocol, Thematic)
- Absolute or ‘normalized’
- Per year or time period
- The overview of your shared CO2 footprints (and time periods) can be found under ‘Manage’ > Shared CO2-footprints in the grey taskbar.
Important: You can share the footprints for several time periods and/or the entire year, but you can only share one per year or time period with respect to:
- Language (Dutch or English)
- Normalized or absolute
Tip: Do you want to update a shared CO2-footprint? First use the Stop sharing button on the CO2-footprint page and then share the CO2-footprint again with the Share CO2-footprint button.