Required data

Use this list as a guidance if you fill in the Envirometer (for the first time). De data with a ✔ in the third column is required for a CO2-footprint of the internal organization (scope 1, 2 and business travel from scope 3). An “*” shows which items are scope 3 emissions.


Items to fill in Tip CO2
Basic data At Basic Data you enter diverse data which are used to make relative graphs and calculate the indicators.  
Employees Number of FTEs  
Production volume For some sectors this item is preselected. In the finetuning you can change this unit. For example number of patients, kg produced food or number of units produced.  
Turnover Net turnover before taxes. To check this item for most service oriented companies, the turnover in euros is 50.000-100.000 times the number of employees.  
Floor area Usable floor space. Mostly you can find this in your rental or purchase contract. In the Netherlands you can check: bagviewer  
Building volume Normally the building volume is between 2,5 and 5 times the floor area.  
Purchased electricity Count the total day- and night usage together. You find this on your energy bills.
Electricity project locations There is a separate item for project locations, if you have separate bills you can use this item. Governments can also use this item to fill in electricity usage of street lighting or pump stations.
Of which green electricity The share of Dutch green electricity purchased. There are several types of green electricity within the envirometer, you can find them in the finetuning.
Fuels & heat    
Natural gas used for heating  
Heat… Use this item if you have district heating. The bill mentions the source of the heat.
Other fuels/fuels for project locations Check the bills if there are other fuels or heat sources, like propane or diesel (on project locations).
Water & waste water    
Drinking water   *
Waste water
VE isDutch for pollution unit. You find the number of VE on your bill of the water board. If the amount of waste water is similar to drinking water, you can fill in also the m³ of drinking water here. The envirometer calculates this back to VE.
Refrigerants – R… Only enter the quantity of topped-up refrigerant, rather than the quantity present in the installation (this is included in the service bill of the maintenance mechanic). Only the quantity of HFC that has leaked away will harm the environment.
Solvents Solvents are relevant when more than 10 litres of solvent per year dissolves in the company, e.g. at painters or printing offices. The consumption of solvents can be retrieved from the stock acquisition bills of solvent-containing substances or the solvent registration of your supplier.
Anesthesia drugs Applicable to healthcare institutions.
Other greenhouse gases other than CO2 (direct emissions) Methane and nitrous oxide, applicable to specific sectors such as agriculture and waste (water) processors.
Commercial waste    
Unsorted commercial waste If your waste is collected on demand, you will receive a removal receipt. You can add up the removal receipts yourself, or you can ask your waste collector for an annual statement. Every professional waste collector can generate such a statement without hassle and send it to you.
If waste is collected in a standard frequency, estimate the amount of waste by the volume of the bins/containers and the filling degree.
Separated waste, like paper, glass, plastic… Investigate which waste streams can be separated. Add these waste waste streams through the “finetuning”: /envirometer-help/envirometer-help/enter-data/finetuning/ n.v.t.
Hazardous waste    
Small hazardous waste, TL, batteries Estimate the yearly amount of these types of hazardous waste. n.v.t.
Sector specific hazardous waste Investigate which waste streams can be separated. Add these sector specific waste waste streams through the “finetuning”: /envirometer-help/envirometer-help/enter-data/finetuning/. n.v.t.
Mobile machinery Mobile machinery are vehicles that are used for internal transport (amongst others forklift trucks and earthmoving machines.  
Fuel useage: -gasoline, diesel, LPG, etc. Find this information on the bills of the fuels or the rented material. Mobile machinery which use electricity do not need to be filled in separately. This is already covered under purchased electricity.
Commuter traffic Almost every organization has commuter traffic, however it might be difficult to get proper data. Tip to focus first on other themes and come back to commuter traffic if all the other themes are complete.  
Kilometers per mode of transport Use the commuter traffic allowance, a survey or make an estimation. Or read more tips on how to “collect data on commuter traffic”:/envirometer-help/help-theme/commuting/ *
Business Traffic Transport of employees  
Liters fuel of cars Ask data on fuel usage from your leasing company or collect data through the fuel cards. Count private usage, comutter traffic here as well, this will save you a lot of calculations.
Declared kilometers of private cars Be aware for double counting: only enter kilometers if fuel use is not available.
Public transport and air transport Ask the transport companies for a year total.
Freight transport Transport of goods towards clients  
Liters fuel of vehicles Ask the lease companies or check the fuel cards.
Outsourced freight transport Only to be entered if the freight transport is outsourced. Several options are available in the Finetuning. *
Office paper    
With/without environmental labe Count the total of purchased or used paper. Focus on normal, white (A4) print paper. *