
Terms of Use

You’ll find detailed information concerning the conditions for a Envirometer subscription at terms of use.


For the sake of clarity, the Stimular Foundation would like to point out that the www.milieubarometer.nl website and all parts of it (such as www.milieubarometer.nl) are the property of the Stimular Foundation. It is not permitted to make public, copy or file the site or parts thereof without demonstrable permission from the Stimular Foundation.

Faults and defects

Stimular continues to maintain the Envirometer with the utmost care. That is to say that Stimular will repair any defects in the Envirometer software that hinder the functionality of the application as soon as possible after their discovery. Defects that do not hinder the functionality of the Envirometer will be corrected in the next version of the program.

Although Stimular makes every effort to prevent faults and defects from occurring, it cannot guarantee that the product offered is free from faults or defects.


Stimular cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the online application. Stimular cannot be held liable for the loss of data through a fault of the subscriber. The subscriber is responsible for keeping his password secret.